Grape growing, vine health & vineyards
Nutrition plays a vital role in vineyards, as it impacts vine growth, crop yield, berry composition and ultimately wine quality. Due to the importance of this, vine growers are always looking for ways to keep the vines healthy and meet the nutrition requirements.
Cost is an important factor, because the nutrition of the plant is an area that vine growers
want to get right and meet the needs of the plant, but without the hefty costs involved in the
Two types of fertilisers can be used, synthetic and organic. Synthetic give nothing back to the
plant on composition, but they do target nutrients required, and can be cost effective. Organic
fertilisers traditionally, tends to be skill based rather than product based because the
nutrients provided tend to have more variance, rather than providing a stable nutrient uptake.
This then requires greater observation and engagement but the upside is when they compose they
are giving more to the plant, naturally.
Organic fertilisers are preferred due to the product being nature based and that less chemicals
are being used, with added benefits in composition.
As an organic fertiliser, Sargasol offers a natural product, derived from Sargassum Seaweed,
which is grown in plentiful proportions in coastal and backwater systems. As such the nutrients
provided in the product give a stable consistency and allows vine growers the opportunity to use
an organic product and not have to be concerned with the skills required for stable nutrient
It is important for vine growers to have access to appropriate nutrients, that are readily
available for the right growth stage for vine use. Sargasol meets these requirements as the
phytohormones present will ensure the timely switch from vegetative to flowering stage to ensure
higher yields.It is important for vine growers to have access to appropriate nutrients, that are
readily available for the right growth stage for vine use. Sargasol meets these requirements as
the phytohormones present will ensure the timely switch from vegetative to flowering stage to
ensure higher yields.
The dissolved nutrients and phytohormones work together to bring out the genetic potential of
the crop with respect to the quantity and quality of the yield.
Saragasol aids in cell elongation, cell division, ensures active vegetative growth by increasing
the nutrient uptake efficiency of the crop.
The dissolved nutrients and phytohormones work together to bring out the genetic potential of
the crop with respect to the quantity and quality of the yield.
Saragasol aids in cell elongation, cell division, ensures active vegetative growth by increasing
the nutrient uptake efficiency of the crop.
Sargasol is highly compatible with other organic and synthetic pesticides except the ones that
contain Calcium. Hence is can be mixed along with other pesticides when used on the
Sargasol provides the following nutrient elements:-
The phytohormones present contribute significantly in the yield and quality of the fruits, are:-